Anthony M. Crosse (born May 1st 1944) is a British polymath and philanthropist. He is a scholar who has one foot in the world of humanities and arts, and the other in the world of science.

Professional practice: Health sector consultancy, Art and Cognitive science. 

Location : Now located in the heart of Kent, U.K., he has lived, worked and studied in the U.S.A., Spain and France and speaks French, Spanish & is a LatinistAcademia: has taught and studied at the British School of Osteopathy; the Universities of Christchurch, Southampton, Canterbury, Goldsmiths, & St Martins. He holds Bachelor of Medicine (M.B.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A. Hons) and Master of Arts (M.A.) degrees; a Doctorate in Cognitive Science (PhD). 

Hospital overview : In 1980, with Bill Owen F.R.C.S., he founded a research unit at Guys Hospital known as the 'Tony Crosse Manometry Clinic' (now at St Thomas'). In 1996 began the HAPi project at The Medway Maritime Hospital, Gillingham, Kent.

Post-doctoral Research and Practice: Meta-Cognitive Graphics researched and pioneered by Dr Crosse is the synthesis of Art & Science where he explores and defines the interactive relationship between Therapist & Client using Visual Metaphor and Auto-didacticism as aids to the healing process.  Visual Analogies are the primary core of cognition and through interactive therapy sessions are created by patient and practitioner. They play a significant role as an aid to understanding and controlling illness. Medical inference problems that seem too complex for intuitive solution can be made tractable if the problem information is presented in the form of a graphic. The medical cognitive graphics approach to aiding complex problem solving conceives of a medical professional as a person trying to form a mental model of the patient's situation. Appropriate computer graphics make mental models easier to form and easier to explore. This paper develops the notion of medical cognitive graphics via two examples drawn from medical diagnosis and monitoring. The process involves perception, memory, creativity, emotion, explanation and communication and educates both the practitioner and client into the root causes of health issues. The evolving visual analogical language, or symbolic modeling, comprises exemplification, comparisons, metaphors, similes, allegories, and parables. The research and practical application of visual analogy/symbolic modelling* is a new discipline that uses analogy as an educational tool and an aid to healing. Dissertation abstract: 'Integrated information theory' 

Hobbies: International chess; Tennis; Sketching/Painting; Piano and Guitar    

* Symbolic Modelling using visual analogy is a cognitive process of transferring information or meaning from a particular subject (the analogue or source) to another particular subject (the target), through a visual expression corresponding to such a process. For example it is possible through graphic analogies to educate and treat a patient who is experiencing panic attacks.

 Dr. A. M. Crosse B.A. (Hons) M.A. PhD., 
